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Personalizing Your Telemarketing Approach

Message that new york won’t tolerate these frustrating, unsolicited calls.”new york telemarketing law penaltieswhile the . Amendment went into Personalizing Your Telemarketing Approach effect on march , , the new amendment increasing the maximum penalty . From , per violation, to up to , per violation is effective immediately. As we . Have explained in an earlier blog, the new york secretary of state is charged with . Enforcing the do not call law and the nuisance call act.

Building Rapport Over the Phone Tips for Telemarketers

Bear in mind, however, . That the law does provide that “[n]Othing in this subdivision shall be construed to restrict . Any right which any person may have under any other statute or at common law.” As such, the plaintiffs’ bar may use this provision to attempt to bring private rights . Of action against telemarketers. How can businesses avoid liability under new york’s telemarketing law?Traditional telemarketing .

Turning First-time Callers Into Loyal Customers

Campaigns often involve a high volume of calls/text messages and, if done incorrectly, expose companies . To considerable liability. Lawsuits iceland phone number resource filed by the federal trade commission (“ftc”), state attorneys general and . Private litigants usually seek significant monetary relief from companies and their owners. To minimize potential . Risks, telemarketers should retain experienced counsel to ensure compliance with applicable laws. Counsel should be . Well-versed in the ins and outs of new york’s telemarketing law, as well as other .

Handling Difficult Customers in Telemarketing

State and federal telemarketing laws. Please note using predictive dialers to improve telemarketing efficiency that this is only a brief overview of . Some of the specific provisions contained in new york’s telemarketing law and is not intended . To be all encompassing. If you need guidance in connection with launching a telemarketing campaign, . Please email us at , or call us at () – the material contained herein . Is provided for informational purposes only and is not legal advice, nor is it a .

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How to Make Customers Feel Valued Over the Phone

Substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney. Each situation is unique, and you should . Not act or rely on any information contained herein lack data without seeking the advice of an . Experienced attorney.Reminder: connecticut’s new telemarketing law takes effect october st, David kleinseptember , as readers . Of this blog will recall, connecticut governor, ned lamont, signed sb into law on june . , , which both added to, and amended, connecticut’s telemarketing law.

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